| 1. | His aides got worried and called the god of thunder 他的随从见状,慌忙告诉雷神。 |
| 2. | A study on the relationship between leizhou and the god of thunder 雷州与雷神传说考 |
| 3. | Zeus , god of thunder . athena , goddess of wisdom . you serve them 宙斯,雷电之神雅典娜,智慧女神你侍奉他们? |
| 4. | Mustering all his energy and courage , the god of thunder swung his hammer 雷神听后,即时举起手边的金斧,然后鼓起全身力量,用力一挥。 |
| 5. | You dedicated your life to the gods . zeus , god of thunder , athena , god of wisdom . you served them 你把你的一生献给了众神。雷电之神宙斯,智慧之神雅典娜.你服侍他们。 |
| 6. | After breakfast you leave xijiang and walk through the grounds of lei gong - the god of thunder 早餐离开千户苗寨西江,徒步穿越雷公坪,中午参观雷公山公园及原始的自然村寨,然后再坐车到雷公山。 |
| 7. | They together morphed into a giant stone so that they could continue to navigate the fishermen . the god of thunder angrily smashed the stone into two pieces . one of the pieces split into three near li an , while the other landed next to tianya haijiao , erecting on the beach 雷公大怒,轰的一声把帆石炸成两截,一截在黎安附近的海面裂成三块,一截飞到三亚的“天涯海角”石崖旁,插地千尺,如巨柱挺立于沙滩之上。 |
| 8. | They together morphed into a giant stone so that they could continue to navigate the fishermen . the god of thunder angrily smashed the stone into two pieces . one of the pieces split into three near li an , while the other landed next to tianya haijiao , erecting on the beach 雷公大怒,轰的一声把帆石炸成两截,一截在黎安附近的海面裂成三块,一截飞到三亚的“天涯海角”石崖旁,插地千尺,如巨柱挺立于沙滩之上。 |
| 9. | They experienced the earthquake , the floods , the thunder . they became so frightened they created gods , gods of thunder , gods of the sea , and they began to believe that these gods were angry . so to protect themselves , they created a religion and it was a fearful religion 停下来,想一想:宗教如何进入文化进入世界,由一个原始的群体开始,由于畏惧地震洪水雷电,他们创造了神明,雷神愤怒的神,他们创造了宗教,令人畏惧的宗教。 |